temporary link

英 [ˈtemprəri lɪŋk] 美 [ˈtempəreri lɪŋk]




  1. Additionally, routing reconfigurability can solve the problem of routing failure caused by the temporary or perpetual link fault.
  2. The security of network access security includes authority and key arrange, authentication and the algorithm, temporary indentity, the protect of access link data, integrity of single protect of RRC.
  3. The high voltage direct current charge system employs the mode of the AC alternate voltage charging; the temporary energy storage and primary pulse generating system consist of the resonance circuit and the pulse transformer; the 3-stage magnetic pulse compression network is adopted as the pulse compression link.
  4. Hotel as their temporary lodging has already broken the simple function of accommodation, which even becomes the open window of a country and region, the platform and link for international communication.